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Meet Mss Francois

Meet Mss Francois

July 02, 20243 min read

Mss Francois, MHRM & MBA, is a dynamic entertainer, humorous keynote speaker, TEDx presenter, author, and groundbreaking trendsetter with a mission to inspire. She hosts The MssFrancois Show, a talk show where she leverages humor to help others navigate dysfunctional relationships. Additionally, she founded Thriving Goddesses, a community dedicated to supporting single women as they explore romantic relationships or heal from past ones. This initiative empowers women to rediscover their identities and confidently transition into the next chapter of their lives. For this, she is known as The “Get Your Groove Back” Coach.

Have a read of her Q&A Spotlight Interview with us and be inspired.

mss francois

1.       Who or What inspired you to start your business?

I can't say I was necessarily inspired to start a business, but as I transitioned from TV host to speaker, influencer, and author, I realized that I was the business. I needed a place to house all my talents and ideas and to monetize them. My business evolved as I did; I learned more about my industry and grew as an entrepreneur. I believe that once you discover your gift and are truly passionate about it, God will place you in the right circumstances, connect you with the right people, and guide your steps.

2.       What do you hope to accomplish in the near future?

My vision is to perform my one woman show on grand stages before audiences of hundreds or even thousands. I aspire to speak on these stages, sharing my story and inspiring others to take actionable steps toward the next chapter of their lives. However, I want to approach it my way, using humor that resonates with the masses. I want that in those moments when I’m on stage people forget about every negative issue and just release and be happy.

3.       What is the most important lesson life has taught you?

One of my favorite African proverbs is, "If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together." This resonates deeply with me, as it highlights the importance of relationships. While some tasks can be accomplished solo, true long-term success comes from building connections that create win-win situations. I firmly believe in Zig Ziglar's philosophy: "If you help everyone get what they want, you get what you want." So, make friends, seek mentors and coaches, and attend conferences, workshops, and seminars. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals, and you'll attract what you need to succeed.


4.       What advice do you have for women going through challenges?

Get out of your head. Stop trying to be STRONG and be human. Ask for help, you can’t be everything to everyone and then show up as a shell of a person. Put yourself first and take the time you need for self-care. Whether that means a spa day, a walk in the park, watching a movie, or simply five minutes of deep breathing, it's important. If you're overworked, depressed, and unhealthy, you can't effectively help others or yourself.

5.       What are you most proud of?

I’m proud of the fact that no matter the adversity, the challenges, setbacks and disillusions, I can say that I’m still here. No matter how often I felt like giving up, I persevered and continued to grow and excel. I’m proud to say that I believe in myself and my ability to be something bigger and my hope is to leave a footprint that others can follow to their own individual dream.

6. What is your take on woman to woman inspiration? Meaning women inspiring other women.

Women inspiring Women is the ultimate example of us being there for each other. Listening to each other’s stories and finding a connection and empathy so we can be able to provide the right support. We need more avenues in where we can inspire each other and the Woman to Woman Network is the ultimate haven for achieving this.



Website: www.mssfrancois.com

FB: https://www.facebook.com/MssFrancois/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheMssFrancoisShow1?sub_confirmation=1

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mss_Francois?s=09

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mss-francois-31350a1b3/

TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJfpbJuo/

Instagram: https://instagram.com/mss_francois

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At Woman To Woman Network, our mission is to empower women entrepreneurs so that they can accomplish their business goals. We do this by providing networking opportunities, meaningful connections, an innovative business tools, unwavering community support and grants.

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