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Meet NaTania B. Parker

Meet NaTania B. Parker

November 19, 20229 min read

Born and raised in Buffalo, NY, and currently residing in NYC, NaTania is an Actress, Dancer, Singer by career and a passionate lover of her community. She is the owner of a branded merch line: NaTania B Parker LLC, and the president and founder of a scholarship foundation: NaTania B Parker Foundation Inc. The mission of her foundation is to provide both mental health and monetary support to current and aspiring students of the arts. NaTania is a graduate of the American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA). Miss Parker says staying creative and true to herself is her greatest superpower. She would like to thank God, her family, and friends for every bit of support they’ve provided her entire life.

Have a read of her Q&A Spotlight Interview with us and be inspired.

Meet The Artist, NaTania B. Parker

What do you do?

So, if I had to encompass everything into one title, I would call myself an artist. Everything I do is motivated by my love for all facets of art. I recently graduated from a musical theater conservatory program and am so lucky to have booked my first show straight out of school. When I say lucky, I mean my preparation met that opportunity and thus I was able to take advantage. As for what I do, I am a full-time actor, and I love that the flexibility of my career also allows for me to explore so many of my other interests. During the pandemic when performing wasn’t a thing, I was taking those conservatory classes online. No, it wasn’t as hard as you think. It was actually way harder than you could probably imagine. But the trials of quarantine pushed me to expand my artistry and I will forever be grateful for that. I began to think about what legacy I would leave long after my performing days were over. That’s when my babies were conceptualized, my clothing line and foundation. My amazing supporters love to be able to represent my brand, so I’m thankful to them for wearing it so proudly. I also customized each piece myself, because it was crucial to me that they felt the love from me that I feel from them every day. But most importantly giving back to the community that raised me has always been top priority. So, I finally did the paperwork to get my non-profit organization started to give the kids from my city the same opportunities that helped me get to where I am today.

If it weren’t for prayer, I have no idea where I’d be right now.

What do you attribute to your success?

            God first before anything or anyone for sure. The pandemic was a very dark time for a lot of people, but for me I lost almost every part of who I was. I was lost without being able to perform or really bury myself in my art. My dad passed away, far too young. I had injured myself and had to have foot/ankle surgery, so literally lost my ability to walk and be independent. I got in a bad car accident with injuries I am still dealing with. I could really go on about my 2020 trials for a while, but the point is, I truly didn’t think I was going to make it. Amid all of that I had God. If it weren’t for prayer, I have no idea where I’d be right now. That’s not just my own prayers either. I also must give a huge shoutout to my support village who kept praying for me when I couldn’t even pray for myself. So, I don’t credit my success to my talent, or the institution I attended, or anything superficial. It’s the company I keep. I’m surrounded by some of the best people in the whole world and I could not be me, if they weren’t who they are for me. Even pre-pandemic I knew they were amazing, but it’s at your lowest lows when you really realize how big of a role others play in your story. So, I thank God multiple times a day for the people he’s placed in my life. Everything I do in my career is a love letter to those who continually support me.

How do you manage your work life balance?

            I know a lot of actors have told me that “we are not our jobs.” While that is very true, a lot of the work I do, I really love so much. So, it’s very hard sometimes to pull myself away from my work to do other stuff. Especially when my work things and fun things overlap a lot. But as far as balance, I think I do okay. Because I grew up as an only child, I mastered at a very young age, pulling myself away from something to take a second and decompress. That can mean something different depending on the day. Maybe I need to let go of a script and go to a bar and be social. Maybe I’m having sensory overload and need to sit in a quiet dark room alone. I’m just not a person that allows myself to be stressed. My advice to other’s though is to figure out what triggers you, so then you can know what your antidote is for it. As far as my personal life goes, my immediate family is small and close, I communicate with them almost every day. My non-artist friends are super understanding of what I do, and I have great friends within the industry I get to work and play with. I don’t have children because motherhood doesn’t quite fit in to the lifestyle I live currently. But I’m not completely closed off to exploring that in the future. As far as dating however, let’s not even go there.

If there’s anything else you want to do, go do that.

What would you like to share with anyone who is thinking about going into this field?

            I absolutely welcome other creatives with open arms! Yes, if this is something you want, please explore it, and even reach out to me. I don’t know everything by any stretch of the imagination, but if I can be even a fraction of a resource that someone else was for me, I am always open to doing that. I say this with a huge caveat though, it is mandatory that you really love it. Multiple big names in the business that I’ve learned from have told me, “If there’s anything else you want to do, go do that. This thing is hard and not for the weak.” It’s not just standing up and saying some words, or doing a couple 8 counts to music, or being able to sing a song. There are so many things that go into this thing we do. Do I have a ton of fun and enjoy going to work most days? Yes. But I also take my art very seriously. You will forever be a student of the industry. You must love the work of the craft, just as much, or even more than, the glory and the recognition that comes with it. The best artists I know give a high level of performance because they have passion coming through their pores. I don’t do what I do for money. Of course, I need to be respectfully paid for the work I do. But to be able to have a career that I would do for free has been one of life’s greatest gifts to me. 

What motivates you when you are faced with adversity?

            There are two main quotes that I live my life by. One of them is for when things feel bad and one for when things seem too good to be true. The first one my mom taught me at a very young age and that is, “Everything happens for a reason.” I was raised in a religious household so having faith is nothing new. Bad things happen to everyone, all the time. But once the smoke clears, you can typically unpack it all and at some point, realize why it happened. Some things take years and others you get it immediately. But all in all, people are just pawns in a greater plan and everything truly does happen for a reason. I think that goes for whatever you believe, karma, Darwinism etc. The other quote, I’ve learned on my personal development and self-discovery journey as an adult. That is, “If not you, then who?” I’ve been so fortunate to be presented with some amazing opportunities, and for some reason I deemed myself unworthy, or found myself asking “why me?” But what we should all be asking ourselves is “why not me?” I had to stop disqualifying myself from blessings that were first class sent directly to me. If someone else could have it or could do it, why can’t I? Have I been through every level of adversity? Not even close. But my perseverance game is so fierce and only continues to grow by the day. I believe big things come against me because I’m meant to do even bigger things. When you’re grounded by divine purpose, things might make you falter for a second, but you can’t stop until you get where you know you know you have to go.

Women are so powerful, and there’s nothing like an encouraging nod from your sister.

Why is women empowerment important to me?

Honestly, even if we don’t want to admit it, women need other women. We are such complex and unique creatures. Only women really understand what each other goes through. Whenever another woman tells me their story, even if we are on completely different paths in life, I’m always able to take something from their experience and apply it to my own journey. Women are so powerful, and there’s nothing like an encouraging nod from your sister. This world was created by us, but somehow doesn’t always make space for us. We must build each other up, especially in a society that works so hard to tear us down.

Listen to Woman To Woman Conversations Podcast with NaTania B. Parker. In this episode NaTania shares about her passion as well as a powerful message for women everywhere.

Connect with NaTania B. Parker online:

IG: @its_nataniabparker

FB: NaTania B Parker

Website: nataniabparker.com

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